Quick Start
This quick start guide should get you up and running in just a few minutes (without the OpenHIM Core)
Download the docker-compose.mongo.yaml containing the relevant services for the OpenHIM Mediator Mapping service to start successfully
Run the docker compose script by executing the below command
docker-compose -f docker-compose.mongo.yml up -d
The docker image will be downloaded and the containers created.
You can see the running docker containers by executing the below command
docker ps
NB! We will need need to configure our mongodb to be a replica set for the OpenHIM Mediator Mapping application to start up successfully.
To configure our MongDB replica set, we need to get inside of the docker container by executing the below
docker exec -it mapper-mongo-1 mongo
Now we can configure our replica set be executing the below command
config = {
"_id": "mapper-mongo-set",
"members": [
"_id": 0,
"priority": 1,
"host": "mapper-mongo-1:27017"
"_id": 1,
"priority": 0.5,
"host": "mapper-mongo-2:27017"
"_id": 2,
"priority": 0.5,
"host": "mapper-mongo-3:27017"
Exit the mongo shell then run the following command to run the Mapping Mediator:
docker run -e OPENHIM_REGISTER=false -e MONGO_URL=mongodb://mapper-mongo-1:27017,mapper-mongo-2:27017,mapper-mongo-3:27017/mapping-mediator?replicaSet=mapper-mongo-set --network mapper-cluster-network --name mapper -p 3003:3003 -d jembi/openhim-mediator-mapping:latest
We can test that the OpenHIM Mediator Mapping application is running successfully by checking its uptime
curl http://localhost:3003/uptime
Test Endpoint​
Once all the containers are running, we can proceed to creating some endpoints for the OpenHIM Mediator Mapping to listen on.
For more detailed instructions on how to setup the application, continue to the next step