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Mapping Mediator API

There are two default reserved API paths within the Mapping Mediator. The first is the /uptime path and the second is the /endpoints path.


Uptime only accepts GET requests. i.e:

curl http://localhost:3003/uptime

The previous command should give you a response in this format:

{"milliseconds": 123456}


The /endpoints path is used to interact with endpoint schemas. Please import our Postman Collection for a more visual interaction with our examples. Postman is a useful tool for testing out your config files as request data is easy to manipulate and save within the app.

The following HTTP methods are supported.


To create a new endpoint schema POST your JSON data to the /endpoints path.

curl --request POST 'http://localhost:3003/endpoints' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{
"name": "Endpoint Example",
"endpoint": {
"pattern": "/example",
"method": "GET"
"transformation": {
"input": "JSON",
"output": "JSON"
"inputMapping": {
"constants": {
"example_constant": "world!"

Response body below.

"name":"Endpoint Example",

Take note of the uuid in the _id field. This Endpoint ID will be used for other API interactions.

Note: The response body will contain many default configurations if they were not specified in the create message.


A GET request will return Endpoint Configs. This can be useful to get an existing Endpoint's ID.

GET all​

This GET request will return a list of all existing Endpoints.

curl 'http://localhost:3003/endpoints'

Response body below. Note that it is a list.




"name":"Endpoint Example",

GET one​

For a specific Endpoint's details substitute its ID into the URL param below.

curl 'http://localhost:3003/endpoints/{Endpoint_ID}'

Response body below.




"name":"Endpoint Example",


The PUT request is used to update a specific Endpoint's config. In the example below we are adding a new constant and an inputMapping field. In the URL substitute in the Endpoint ID into the URL Param.

curl --request PUT 'http://localhost:3003/endpoints/{Endpoint_ID}' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{
"name": "Endpoint Example",
"endpoint": {
"pattern": "/example",
"method": "GET"
"transformation": {
"input": "JSON",
"output": "JSON"
"inputMapping": {
"constants.example_constant": "hello",
"constants.new_constant": "foo"
"constants": {
"example_constant": "world!",
"new_constant": "bar"

Response Body below.




"name":"Endpoint Example",


The delete request is used to completely remove an endpoint. Substitute in an Endpoint ID to delete it.

curl --request DELETE 'http://localhost:3003/endpoints/{Endpoint_ID}'

Response body below.

{"message":"Endpoint with ID '60045c90cb78062ab5bdec85' deleted"}